Lash Extension Do’s and Dont’s

Eyelash extensions can be a total game changer for the most glam girlie, or the low-maintenace, au-naturale babe. They can transform your face, open your eyes, or create a sultry gaze. 

Before you run to book your eyelash extension appointment, there are some things to keep in mind. Here are some DO’S and DON’Ts of lash extensions!

DO seek an artist that is fully qualified and experienced to perform the service. Browse the artist’s portfolio on social media to find someone whose work you love!

DO use a lash extension cleanser. Some technicians sell it, otherwise you can easily find some on online! Regular cleansing removes makeup, dirt, oil, and dead skin from the lash line which keeps your eyes healthy and your extensions last longer.

DO gently brush through your lash extensions with a Spoolie to keep them looking nice and fluffy - especially first thing in the morning!

DO protect your lashes from heat! The heat from hot blow dryers, ovens, campfires, or smoking can singe the tips of your lashes, causing them to fray and kink! In some cases this may require a full removal and replacement set. 

DO come to all of your lash appointments with clean lashes. Ensure your lashes are free of makeup and any oily residue prior to your appointment time. This will save time and ensure you have the best retention possible!

DO come to your appointment prepared to get comfy and relax for a while. A full set appointment can take up to 2.5 hours of lying still. Napping is encouraged, or bring your favorite music with some AirPods!

DO bring inspiration pictures to your appointment. Bonus

for bringing inspiration pictures from the artist you are using! Sometimes it’s hard to articulate the style or look you’re envisioning, so a visual is super helpful.

DON’T pick out your lashes. As Your natural lashes grow, Your extensions will become “grown out.” This is why you should come in for regular refills to remove grown out lashes, never pulling or removing them yourself! 

DON’T let oil rich skincare or hair products into the eye area. Oils can build up on the lash line, cause them to fall out faster, and also keep the extensions from looking fluffy.

DON’T go for bargain lashes. Major red flag! This is a highly specialized skill, that requires attention to detail and lots of time. If the artist is charging significantly less than others, and/or the service takes less than an hour for a full set - The integrity of your natural lashes could be compromised.

DON’T receive eyelash extensions if you have any dermatitis around your eye area, have an active stye, or an eye infection of any kind. Self explanatory!

DON’T open your eyes during your appointment. If you can help it, keep your eyes fully closed during your appointment. Sometimes, when an artist and a client chitchat, the clients eyes start to flutter and it becomes very difficult to properly apply the extensions. You never want your eye exposed directly to the fumes of the glue, it can really sting! 

Happy Lashing!

xoxo, andrea


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